AI programming assistant designed to Cyber Security

Tools 7B

52 Pulls Updated 7 weeks ago



The room-coder model is a specialized AI programming assistant designed to support tasks related to computer science, particularly in the areas of script exploit vulnerabilities, malware, and cyber security scripting. Based on the deepseek-coder-6.7b architecture, this model offers detailed and nuanced assistance for cyber security researchers and developers.

Key Features

   Cyber Security and Programming Focused: Trained specifically to assist with programming and cyber security tasks.
    Optimized for Performance: Designed to run efficiently on laptops or desktops with at least 16 GB of RAM.
    High Parameter Count: With 7 billion parameters, this model offers detailed and nuanced responses.
    Compact Size: Despite its capabilities, the model is compact, with a file size of just 4.65 GB.

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This model is ideal for cyber security researchers and programmers who need a reliable assistant for tasks such as analyzing security scripts, generating code, identifying vulnerabilities, and providing recommendations on security practices. The model is optimized to run on systems with 16 GB of RAM, making it accessible for use on most modern laptops and desktops.