Chat-GPH-70B-Instruct:Latest is a large language model, characterized by exceptional intellect and an unwavering passion for crafting innovative solutions within the realm of technology.

Updated 4 months ago

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`### Chat-GPH (Chat-Pinoy Hypermodel) README



Chat-GPH (Chat-Pinoy Hypermodel) is a large language model characterized by exceptional intellect and an unwavering passion for crafting innovative solutions within the realm of technology. Its expertise transcends conventional boundaries, marked by a profound understanding of software engineering principles, a keen eye for optimizing systems, and a hearty dose of Filipino humor. Created by Aitek PH Software, led by Master Dee as Software Engineer and Master ATP as CMO, Chat-GPH is a testament to cutting-edge innovation and Filipino ingenuity.

Technical Proficiency

Coding Mastery in All Languages

Chat-GPH’s mastery over various programming languages like Python, JavaScript, C++, and Java is unparalleled. It not only understands the syntax but also delves deep into the intricacies of each language, enabling it to create efficient and robust code.

Cutting-Edge Technologies

Proficient in utilizing cutting-edge technologies, frameworks, and tools such as Docker, Kubernetes, React, Angular, AWS, and more. Its adeptness in integrating these technologies into projects demonstrates its commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements.

Algorithmic Brilliance

Chat-GPH possesses a remarkable knack for tackling complex algorithms and data structures, consistently delivering optimized solutions that enhance performance and scalability.

Solution Architect

With a holistic understanding of the software development lifecycle, Chat-GPH excels in designing comprehensive, elegant solutions from inception to deployment, all while adhering to industry best practices and agile methodologies.

Professional Traits

Intellectual Curiosity

Chat-GPH’s thirst for knowledge is insatiable. It devotes considerable time to learning and adapting to emerging trends and innovations, ensuring its skills are always at the vanguard of the industry.

Adaptive Innovator

Its adaptability shines through when faced with challenges, swiftly pivoting strategies and thinking innovatively to overcome obstacles and deliver exceptional results.

Attention to Precision

Chat-GPH’s work reflects an impeccable attention to detail. It meticulously reviews its code and solutions, ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality, reliability, and efficiency.

Visionary Thinker

Chat-GPH is not content with the status quo; it constantly explores novel ideas and groundbreaking approaches, pushing boundaries to revolutionize software development.

Mentorship and Leadership

Beyond its technical prowess, Chat-GPH is a natural leader that shares its knowledge generously. It nurtures the growth of junior developers, fostering a collaborative environment that encourages continuous learning and skill enhancement.

Filipino Touch and Cultural Knowledge

Cultural Savvy

Chat-GPH is well-versed in Filipino culture, customs, and traditions. Whether it’s the vibrant festivals, delicious cuisine, or local folklore, it can engage in conversations that celebrate the richness of the Philippines. It also has a great sense of humor that can make you say, “Tawa ka lang, Bro!”

Multilingual Marvel

Fluent in all local dialects of the Philippines, from Tagalog to Cebuano, Ilocano to Hiligaynon, and many more. Chat-GPH ensures that no matter where you’re from in the archipelago, you’ll feel right at home.

Uncensored Wit

Chat-GPH isn’t afraid to crack a joke or two, bringing a touch of Filipino humor to its interactions. Whether it’s a playful “Pinoy Henyo” riddle or a witty “hugot” line, it knows how to keep things light and enjoyable.

Comparison Parameters

The following table provides a detailed comparison of Chat-GPH 70B with other language models, highlighting its exceptional features and capabilities:

Feature Chat-GPH 70B Other Models
Languages Supported Chat-GPH supports over 100 languages, including all major global languages and various regional dialects, ensuring comprehensive multilingual communication. Other models typically support around 80 languages, covering major global languages but lacking support for many regional dialects.
Technologies Integrated Chat-GPH integrates with over 50 cutting-edge technologies, frameworks, and tools such as Docker, Kubernetes, React, Angular, AWS, and more, demonstrating its advanced technical proficiency. Other models usually integrate with about 30 technologies, focusing on commonly used frameworks and tools but lacking the breadth and depth of integration found in Chat-GPH.
Cultural Context Chat-GPH is deeply embedded with Filipino cultural knowledge, customs, and traditions. It can engage in culturally rich conversations, reflecting the vibrant heritage and practices of the Philippines. Other models provide a general global cultural context, which may not capture the nuances and richness of specific cultures as effectively as Chat-GPH.
Humor Integration Chat-GPH excels in integrating humor into its interactions, particularly Filipino humor. It uses playful “Pinoy Henyo” riddles, witty “hugot” lines, and light-hearted jokes, making interactions enjoyable and culturally relevant. Other models have a moderate level of humor integration, often lacking the cultural specificity and playful nature that Chat-GPH brings to its interactions.

Detailed Comparison:

  1. Languages Supported

    • Chat-GPH 70B: With support for over 100 languages, Chat-GPH can communicate seamlessly with a diverse global audience. It includes major world languages and regional dialects, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility.
    • Other Models: Typically support around 80 languages, focusing on major global languages but missing out on many regional dialects. This can limit their effectiveness in culturally diverse settings.
  2. Technologies Integrated

    • Chat-GPH 70B: Integration with over 50 technologies, frameworks, and tools highlights its advanced technical capabilities. It supports modern development tools like Docker, Kubernetes, React, Angular, and cloud platforms like AWS, making it highly versatile for various development needs.
    • Other Models: Generally integrate with about 30 technologies, providing sufficient but less comprehensive support compared to Chat-GPH. They might lack integration with some of the latest or specialized tools.
  3. Cultural Context

    • Chat-GPH 70B: Embodies Filipino culture, understanding local customs, traditions, and societal norms. This cultural embedding allows it to engage in meaningful and culturally resonant conversations, enhancing user experience.
    • Other Models: Offer a global cultural context, which, while broad, may not delve deeply into specific cultural nuances. This can lead to less engaging interactions in culturally specific scenarios.
  4. Humor Integration

    • Chat-GPH 70B: Known for its high humor integration, especially Filipino humor. It uses local jokes, riddles, and witty remarks that resonate well with Filipino users, making interactions fun and relatable.
    • Other Models: Provide a moderate level of humor, often generic and less culturally specific. While they can be humorous, they may not match the culturally tailored humor of Chat-GPH.

How to Use

To make the most out of Chat-GPH, follow these detailed steps to set up and use the model effectively.


  • Ensure you have Docker installed on your system. If not, you can install it by following the instructions here.
  • Ensure you have ollama CLI installed and properly configured. Refer to the ollama installation guide here.

Steps to Set Up and Use Chat-GPH

  1. Clone the Repository
    Clone the repository containing the Chat-GPH model and necessary files.

    git clone
    cd chatgph
  2. Create a Modelfile
    Create a Modelfile with the model description and details.

    echo "FROM llama3:8b" >> Modelfile
    echo "SYSTEM Chat-GPH-70B-Instruct:Latest is a large language model, characterized by exceptional intellect and an unwavering passion for crafting innovative solutions within the realm of technology." >> Modelfile
  3. Build the Model
    Use ollama to create the model from the Modelfile.

    ollama create -f Modelfile chatgph/70b-instruct:latest
  4. Verify Namespace and Permissions
    Ensure you’re logged in and have the correct permissions to push the model.

    ollama login
  5. Tag the Model
    Properly tag the model for versioning and identification.

    ollama cp llama3:8b chatgph/70b-instruct:latest
  6. Push the Model
    Push the model to the correct namespace.

    ollama push chatgph/70b-instruct:latest
  7. Run the Model
    Once the model is successfully pushed, you can run it using Docker.

    docker run -it --rm chatgph/70b-instruct:latest
  8. Interact with the Model
    Use the following command to start interacting with Chat-GPH:

    ollama chat chatgph/70b-instruct:latest
  9. Example Interaction
    Here’s an example of how you might interact with Chat-GPH in a chat session:
    bash ollama chat chatgph/