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Gemma Terms of Use Last modified: February 21, 2024 By using, reproducing, modifying, distributing, performing or displaying any portion or element of Gemma, Model Derivatives including via any Hosted Service, (each as defined below) (collectively, the "Gemma Services") or otherwise accepting the terms of this Agreement, you agree to be bound by this Agreement. Section 1: DEFINITIONS 1.1 Definitions (a) "Agreement" or "Gemma Terms of Use" means these terms and conditions that govern the use, reproduction, Distribution or modification of the Gemma Services and any terms and conditions incorporated by reference. (b) "Distribution" or "Distribute" means any transmission, publication, or other sharing of Gemma or Model Derivatives to a third party, including by providing or making Gemma or its functionality available as a hosted service via API, web access, or any other electronic or remote means ("Hosted Service"). (c) "Gemma" means the set of machine learning language models, trained model weights and parameters identified at ai.google.dev/gemma, regardless of the source that you obtained it from. (d) "Google" means Google LLC. (e) "Model Derivatives" means all (i) modifications to Gemma, (ii) works based on Gemma, or (iii) any other machine learning model which is created by transfer of patterns of the weights, parameters, operations, or Output of Gemma, to that model in order to cause that model to perform similarly to Gemma, including distillation methods that use intermediate data representations or methods based on the generation of synthetic data Outputs by Gemma for training that model. For clarity, Outputs are not deemed Model Derivatives. (f) "Output" means the information content output of Gemma or a Model Derivative that results from operating or otherwise using Gemma or the Model Derivative, including via a Hosted Service. 1.2 As used in this Agreement, "including" means "including without limitation". Section 2: ELIGIBILITY AND USAGE 2.1 Eligibility You represent and warrant that you have the legal capacity to enter into this Agreement (including being of sufficient age of consent). If you are accessing or using any of the Gemma Services for or on behalf of a legal entity, (a) you are entering into this Agreement on behalf of yourself and that legal entity, (b) you represent and warrant that you have the authority to act on behalf of and bind that entity to this Agreement and (c) references to "you" or "your" in the remainder of this Agreement refers to both you (as an individual) and that entity. 2.2 Use You may use, reproduce, modify, Distribute, perform or display any of the Gemma Services only in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, and must not violate (or encourage or permit anyone else to violate) any term of this Agreement. Section 3: DISTRIBUTION AND RESTRICTIONS 3.1 Distribution and Redistribution You may reproduce or Distribute copies of Gemma or Model Derivatives if you meet all of the following conditions: You must include the use restrictions referenced in Section 3.2 as an enforceable provision in any agreement (e.g., license agreement, terms of use, etc.) governing the use and/or distribution of Gemma or Model Derivatives and you must provide notice to subsequent users you Distribute to that Gemma or Model Derivatives are subject to the use restrictions in Section 3.2. You must provide all third party recipients of Gemma or Model Derivatives a copy of this Agreement. You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you modified the files. All Distributions (other than through a Hosted Service) must be accompanied by a "Notice" text file that contains the following notice: "Gemma is provided under and subject to the Gemma Terms of Use found at ai.google.dev/gemma/terms". You may add your own intellectual property statement to your modifications and, except as set forth in this Section, may provide additional or different terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or Distribution of your modifications, or for any such Model Derivatives as a whole, provided your use, reproduction, modification, Distribution, performance, and display of Gemma otherwise complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Any additional or different terms and conditions you impose must not conflict with the terms of this Agreement. 3.2 Use Restrictions You must not use any of the Gemma Services: for the restricted uses set forth in the Gemma Prohibited Use Policy at ai.google.dev/gemma/prohibited_use_policy ("Prohibited Use Policy"), which is hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement; or in violation of applicable laws and regulations. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Google reserves the right to restrict (remotely or otherwise) usage of any of the Gemma Services that Google reasonably believes are in violation of this Agreement. 3.3 Generated Output Google claims no rights in Outputs you generate using Gemma. You and your users are solely responsible for Outputs and their subsequent uses. Section 4: ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 4.1 Updates Google may update Gemma from time to time, and you must make reasonable efforts to use the latest version of Gemma. 4.2 Trademarks Nothing in this Agreement grants you any rights to use Google's trademarks, trade names, logos or to otherwise suggest endorsement or misrepresent the relationship between you and Google. Google reserves any rights not expressly granted herein. 4.3 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE GEMMA SERVICES, AND OUTPUTS, ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE APPROPRIATENESS OF USING, REPRODUCING, MODIFYING, PERFORMING, DISPLAYING OR OR DISTRIBUTING ANY OF THE GEMMA SERVICES OR OUTPUTS AND ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF ANY OF THE GEMMA SERVICES OR OUTPUTS AND YOUR EXERCISE OF RIGHTS AND PERMISSIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. 4.4 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT AND UNDER NO LEGAL THEORY, WHETHER IN TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY, CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW, SHALL GOOGLE OR ITS AFFILIATES BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, OR LOST PROFITS OF ANY KIND ARISING FROM THIS AGREEMENT OR RELATED TO, ANY OF THE GEMMA SERVICES OR OUTPUTS EVEN IF GOOGLE OR ITS AFFILIATES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 4.5 Term, Termination, and Survival The term of this Agreement will commence upon your acceptance of this Agreement (including acceptance by your use, modification, or Distribution, reproduction, performance or display of any portion or element of the Gemma Services) and will continue in full force and effect until terminated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Google may terminate this Agreement if you are in breach of any term of this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, you must delete and cease use and Distribution of all copies of Gemma and Model Derivatives in your possession or control. Sections 1, 2.1, 3.3, 4.2 to 4.9 shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 4.6 Governing Law and Jurisdiction This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to choice of law principles. The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to this Agreement. The state and federal courts of Santa Clara County, California shall have exclusive jurisdiction of any dispute arising out of this Agreement. 4.7 Severability If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall be unaffected thereby and remain valid as if such provision had not been set forth herein. 4.8 Entire Agreement This Agreement states all the terms agreed between the parties and supersedes all other agreements between the parties as of the date of acceptance relating to its subject matter. 4.9 No Waiver Google will not be treated as having waived any rights by not exercising (or delaying the exercise of) any rights under this Agreement.
{{- range $i, $_ := .Messages }} {{- $last := eq (len (slice $.Messages $i)) 1 }} {{- if or (eq .Role "user") (eq .Role "system") }}<start_of_turn>user {{ .Content }}<end_of_turn> {{ if $last }}<start_of_turn>model {{ end }} {{- else if eq .Role "assistant" }}<start_of_turn>model {{ .Content }}{{ if not $last }}<end_of_turn> {{ end }} {{- end }} {{- end }}
[{"role":"user","content":"Are you able to analysis local documents on my pc"},{"role":"assistant","content":"As an AI, I don't have the ability to access or analyze files directly from your PC. \n\n**Here's why:**\n\n* **I operate in a purely text-based environment.** This means I can only process and understand information that you provide me directly through the interface (like this chat).\n* **I am designed for general knowledge and understanding, not specific file access or control.** My purpose is to generate text and answer questions based on the vast amount of text data I've been trained on.\n\n**How Local Documents Can Be Analyzed:** \n\nIf you want to analyze local documents on your PC, you can use tools specifically designed for this:\n\n* **Programming languages (like Python):** Libraries like `open`, `Pandas` and `NLTK` allow you to read text files and perform basic analysis.\n* **Text editors with scripting features:** Some text editors (like Notepad++, Sublime Text) have built-in functionalities to analyze and manipulate text. \n* **Specialized software:** There are dedicated applications like Grammarly, ProWritingAid, or Hemingway Editor that help you analyze writing for clarity, style, and grammar.\n\nLet me know if you'd like more information on any specific document analysis tool or technique! \n"},{"role":"user","content":"I am looking for an Ai Model that can be trained on my documents so I can query information in these documents can you suggest any AI Model or how to buid one"},{"role":"assistant","content":"You're asking about **document embedding models**, a powerful type of AI model that's great for searching and extracting knowledge from your documents. \n\nHere's a breakdown of options and how to build them:\n\n**1. Pre-trained Models (Easier, But Less Customizable):**\n * **Hugging Face Transformers:** ([https://huggingface.co/](https://huggingface.co/)) A fantastic platform with pre-trained models designed for document embedding tasks. \n * Popular choices: `bert-base-uncased`, `distilbert-base-uncased` (fast and efficient), `xlnet`, `roberta-base`. These offer good starting points without needing extensive training.\n * **Google Cloud AI Platform:** ([https://cloud.google.com/ai-platform](https://cloud.google.com/ai-platform)) Google's offering with models ready for deployment, often pre-trained and optimized.\n * **Amazon SageMaker:** ([https://aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/](https://aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/)) A fully managed service within AWS with many pre-trained models.\n\n**2. Training Your Own Model (More Control):** \n * **Pre-training**: You'll need a large corpus of text relevant to your documents. This corpus will be used to train the model, giving it knowledge about concepts and relationships in your specific domain. \n * **Fine-tuning:** Once pre-trained on a general dataset (like Wikipedia), you fine-tune this model using *your* documents. This allows for high accuracy but takes more time and resources.\n\n**Important Considerations When Building or Using Document Embedding Models:**\n\n* **Data Quality:** The quality of your training data (how accurate, relevant, and diverse it is) directly impacts the model's performance.\n* **Fine-tuning Techniques:** Carefully choose fine-tuning techniques based on the size of your corpus and the desired level of accuracy. \n* **Evaluation Metrics:** Use appropriate metrics like cosine similarity or BERT to measure how well the embedding captures meaning from your documents. \n\n\n**How You Can Use These Models (Example):**\n\n1. **Embedding Documents:** Pass your text files into these models, getting a vector representation that captures the document's essence. Think of these vectors as \"points\" in a high-dimensional space where similar documents are closer together.\n2. **Search and Retrieval:** Create an index from your embeddings, allowing you to find documents that match your query (think about searching for terms like \"insurance policy\" or \"pet insurance\"). \n\n\n**Key Tools and Libraries:**\n\n* **Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK):** ([https://www.nltk.org/](https://www.nltk.org/)) A classic Python library with tools for text processing, tokenization, and document analysis. \n* **SpaCy:** ([https://spacy.io/](https://spacy.io/)) Another powerful Python library known for its speed and efficiency in NLP tasks like sentence segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, and named entity recognition (NER). \n\n\nLet me know if you have a specific document type or task in mind - I can provide more tailored advice! "},{"role":"user","content":"how can I run a Hugging face pre-trained model on my pc and fine tune it"},{"role":"user","content":"How can I run a local instance of a Hugging face model and fine tune it"},{"role":"assistant","content":"Here's how to get started with fine-tuning Hugging Face models locally, along with some key considerations: \n\n**Understanding the Process**\n\n1. **Choose a Model:** Start by selecting a pre-trained model from Hugging Face Hub ([https://huggingface.co/models](https://huggingface.co/models)). They have diverse options for tasks like text classification, question answering, summarization, and more. Some popular choices include:\n * BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) \n * RoBERTa (A robustly optimized BERT)\n * GPT-2 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 2)\n\n2. **Install Necessary Libraries:** You'll use Python to work with these models. Make sure you have the following installed:\n ```bash\n pip install transformers torch sentencepiece # For Hugging Face Transformers and tokenization\n ```\n3. **Load the Pre-trained Model:** Use `transformers` library to load a model from Hugging Face Hub using their `AutoModelForSequenceClassification` or similar class for classification tasks, depending on your chosen model:\n ```python \n from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer\n\n model_name = \"bert-base-uncased\" # Example - replace with the model you want to load\n tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) \n model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name) \n ```\n\n4. **Fine-tuning:** This is where you adapt your pre-trained model to a specific task: \n * Prepare Your Data: Organize your documents into a suitable format (e.g., text files, CSV). Make sure each document has the correct structure for training (especially if it's labeled or needs pre-processing).\n * Convert Text to Tokens: Use `AutoTokenizer` to turn your raw text into tokens (the pieces of text that are meaningful to the model). \n * Adjust Hyperparameters: Consider these options during fine-tuning, as they affect your model's performance.\n * **Learning rate:** A small learning rate can help prevent overshooting the optimal parameters in early steps\n * **Batch size:** Controls how many examples you work on at once for efficiency and memory management. \n * Train Your Model: Use a suitable framework like PyTorch or TensorFlow. \n ```python\n from transformers import AdamW, TrainingArguments\n\n # Prepare your training data (input_ids, labels)\n train_dataloader = ... # Load data into batches\n\n # Define training arguments\n training_args = TrainingArguments(\n output_dir=\"./results\", \n num_train_epochs=3, \n per_device_train_batch_size=16, # Adjust for your hardware limitations \n # ... other training parameters\n )\n\n trainer = Trainer(model=model, args=training_args, train_dataloader=train_dataloader) \n trainer.train() \n ```\n * Evaluate Performance: Assess how well the fine-tuned model performs on unseen data to see if you've achieved the desired improvement on the task at hand.\n\n**Things to Consider When Fine-Tuning Locally:**\n\n* **Hardware Resources:** Pre-trained models are large, especially in the GPT-2 family. You might need a decent GPU (if possible) for faster training and inference.\n* **Time Requirements:** Training can take time, depending on your model size and the amount of data you're working with. \n\n**Additional Tips:**\n\n* **Start Small:** Experiment with small datasets first to get familiar with the process before scaling up to larger projects.\n* **Experiment with Hyperparameters:** Don't be afraid to tweak hyperparameters like learning rate, batch size, and number of epochs to find the optimal configuration for your data.\n* **Use a GPU:** If you have a dedicated GPU (or access to cloud-based GPUs), it will significantly speed up training. \n\n\nLet me know if you'd like more guidance on specific tasks or model types!"}]


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