
149 Pulls Updated 4 months ago

0f7e2469c729 · 1.4kB
[ { "role": "user", "content": "计算机" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "\ncomputer\n\n计算机、电脑、电子计算机\n\n短语\n 计算机网络\n 计 Computer Network ; computer ; network ; Computer Networking BSc Hons\n\n 计算机语言\n 计 computer language ; 计 computerese ; machine language ; COL\n\n 电子计算机\n 计 computer ; 计 electronic computer ; 计 electronic brain ; electronic calculator\n\n例句\n 我们认为计算机出了问题。\n We think there's something wrong with the computer.\n\n 新的计算机软件往往和旧式计算机不兼容。\n New computer software is often incompatible with older computers.\n\n 我们那台计算机很好用。\n That computer gave us very good service.\n\n" }, { "role": "user", "content": "computer" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "\n\n英 / kəmˈpjuːtə(r) /\n\nn. 计算机;电脑;电子计算机\n复数 computers\n\n短语:\n personal computer\n 个人电脑 ; 个人计算机 ; 人计算机 ; 人电脑\n\n Computer Virus\n 计 计算机病毒 ; 电脑病毒 ; 盘算机病毒\n\n Computer Network\n 计 计算机网络 ; 电脑网络 ; 电脑网路\n\n例句\n My computer keeps going funny.\n 我的计算机老出故障。\n\n He's addicted to computer games.\n 他迷上了电脑游戏。\n\n He hacked into the bank's computer.\n 他侵入了这家银行的计算机。\n" } ]