EXAONE Deep exhibits superior capabilities in various reasoning tasks including math and coding benchmarks, ranging from 2.4B to 32B parameters developed and released by LG AI Research.

2.4b 7.8b 32b

8,425 3 days ago

37cddd3bd818 · 375B
{{- range $i, $_ := .Messages }}
{{- $last := eq (len (slice $.Messages $i)) 1 -}}
{{ if eq .Role "system" }}[|system|]{{ .Content }}[|endofturn|]
{{ continue }}
{{ else if eq .Role "user" }}[|user|]{{ .Content }}
{{ else if eq .Role "assistant" }}[|assistant|]{{ .Content }}[|endofturn|]
{{ end }}
{{- if and (ne .Role "assistant") $last }}[|assistant|]{{ end }}
{{- end -}}