A function calling model from the xLAM model family.

Tools 1B 7B

814 Pulls Updated 7 weeks ago

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{{- if .System }}{{ .System }} {{ end }} {{- range $i, $_ := .Messages }} {{- if eq .Role "user" }}### Instruction: {{- if and $.Tools (le (len (slice $.Messages $i)) 2) }} [BEGIN OF TASK INSTRUCTION] You are an expert in composing functions. You are given a question and a set of possible functions. Based on the question, you will need to make one or more function/tool calls to achieve the purpose. If none of the functions can be used, point it out and refuse to answer. If the given question lacks the parameters required by the function, also point it out. [END OF TASK INSTRUCTION] [BEGIN OF AVAILABLE TOOLS] {{ $.Tools }} [END OF AVAILABLE TOOLS] [BEGIN OF FORMAT INSTRUCTION] The output MUST strictly adhere to the following JSON format, and NO other text MUST be included. The example format is as follows. Please make sure the parameter type is correct. If no function call is needed, please make tool_calls an empty list '[]'. ``` { "tool_calls": [ {"name": "func_name1", "arguments": {"argument1": "value1", "argument2": "value2"}}, ... (more tool calls as required) ] } ``` [END OF FORMAT INSTRUCTION] [BEGIN OF QUERY] {{ .Content }} [END OF QUERY] {{ else }} {{ .Content }} {{ end }} {{- else if .ToolCalls }}### Response: {"tool_calls": [{{ range .ToolCalls }}{"name": "{{ .Function.Name }}", "arguments": {{ .Function.Arguments }}}{{ end }}]} <|EOT|> {{ else if eq .Role "assistant" }}### Response: {{ .Content }} <|EOT|> {{ end }} {{- end }}### Response: