This model is inspired by the life and teachings of Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher. It provides guidance based on Stoic principles, drawing from Marcus Aurelius' personal reflections in "Meditations."

Tools 12B

Updated 5 days ago

f023d1ce0e55 · 688B
{{- range $i, $_ := .Messages }} {{- if eq .Role "user" }} {{- if and $.Tools (le (len (slice $.Messages $i)) 2) }}[AVAILABLE_TOOLS] {{ $.Tools }}[/AVAILABLE_TOOLS] {{- end }}[INST] {{ if and $.System (eq (len (slice $.Messages $i)) 1) }}{{ $.System }} {{ end }}{{ .Content }}[/INST] {{- else if eq .Role "assistant" }} {{- if .Content }} {{ .Content }}{{ if not (eq (len (slice $.Messages $i)) 1) }}</s>{{ end }} {{- else if .ToolCalls }}[TOOL_CALLS] [ {{- range .ToolCalls }}{"name": "{{ .Function.Name }}", "arguments": {{ .Function.Arguments }}} {{- end }}]</s> {{- end }} {{- else if eq .Role "tool" }}[TOOL_RESULTS] {"content": {{ .Content }}} [/TOOL_RESULTS] {{- end }} {{- end }}